The Best UFO Movies of All Time

The Best UFO Movies of All Time

UFOs (or UAPs – “Unidentified Aerial Phenomena”) have been in the news as our military recently shot three different unidentified flying objects out of the skies over North America. That happened quickly on the heels of the now-infamous “Chinese Spy Balloon” that made its way over the country before that was shot down off the coast of North Carolina. Are all of these phenomena simply the discovery of advanced intelligence tech (most likely Chinese)? It’s certainly likely…but what if they aren’t? According to the website Live Science, the government investigated 366 unidentified objects in 2022…171 of which are still unidentified.

Of course, Hollywood has been telling us for years what these objects “truly” are–aliens. The flying saucer has been a staple of the movies since there have been movies, with the genre booming starting in the 1950s. While the flying objects have gotten more elaborate, the questions these movies ask have remained constant: Are we alone in the universe? And, if not, what do alien races want? With UFOs so in the news, this seems a perfect time to take a look at some of the best UFO movies of all time. Note: all of these movies are generally UFO-focused. The presence of aliens alone isn’t enough; we want there to be actual UFOs. The presence of spaceships isn’t enough; in spaceship movies, people know what the spaceships are. These movies all look to the skies, see that thing we don’t understand, and attempt to understand and respond.

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