Top 5: The Best Summer Blockbusters of ’23

Top 5: The Best Summer Blockbusters of ’23

Now that we are into September, we have officially passed the end of the summer movie season. From here on out–for the most part–the movies get more serious and arty as the studios and indie distributors unleash their prestige movies for end-of-the-year critic lists and award consideration. And this the start of my favorite part of the movie year. You know me, serious and arty. But before we plunge into the Oscar bait, let’s take a look back at a darn good summer movie season as we look at my Top 5 Summer Blockbusters of 2023.

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Alright, Alright, Alright…: The Top 5 Characters from “Dazed and Confused”

Alright, Alright, Alright…: The Top 5 Characters from “Dazed and Confused”

It’s the end of the school year. For me, that seems like a perfect time to revisit Richard Linklater’s epic salute to the last day of school, Dazed and Confused. On top of that, Dazed is celebrating its 30th anniversary this year. Lots of words have been spilled about this true classic coming-of-age-ish tale, about the big splash it made for Linklater, and about the myriad stars whose careers blossomed from it. I don’t know that me doing a review of it would make that big a contribution to that body of reviews. So instead, I’m going to highlight the best part of the movie for me–its panorama of characters portraying and occasionally subverting high-school types–and have some fun revisiting the film by counting down my five favorite characters. I hope you’ll think it’s fun, too!

Continue reading “Alright, Alright, Alright…: The Top 5 Characters from “Dazed and Confused””