True/False 2023: Getting Underway

True/False 2023: Getting Underway

This weekend, I’m attending the True/False Film Festival in nearby Columbia, Missouri. I’ve been honored to attend the several times over the last several years. In doing so, I’ve gotten to enjoy new films from such masters of the documentary craft as Errol Morris, Morgan Neville, Robert Greene, and Matthew Heineman. Over the last 20 years, the folks in Columbia and the Ragtag Film Society have figured out how to put on quite a festival. I’m glad to be a part of it.

I’ll be seeing films on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. My plan is to post each morning summarizing the previous day. For a few of you, it’s a preview of docs you’ll want to catch up on later this year. For others, I hope it’s just a peek at how exciting and beautiful the world of documentary filmmaking can be.

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